Use the PRTG Ping Sensor to measure the availability of your devices and to calculate packet loss as a percentage. The QoS (Quality of Service) Round Trip Sensor lets you monitor network paths, and thereby measure and reduce packet loss. This sensor is also included. Use the Cisco IP SLA Sensor to measure the packet loss rate on your Cisco devices.

About Unhandled Packets An unhandled packet is a packet that does not match any policy rule. The Firebox always denies unhandled packets. You can change the device settings to further protect your network. To modify the unhandled packet configuration, from Fireware Web UI: Select Firewall > Default Packet Handling. The Default Packet Handling page opens. vDS - Dropped Egress packets |VMware Communities Oct 15, 2015 MULTI: Outgoing TUN queue full, dropped packet - OpenVPN Jan 26, 2020 What is Packet Loss? Defined, Explained, and Explored

A packet is a piece of information sent down your ADSL line. For instance when you visit a website it will be sent to you in packets, which your computer then puts together again and reconstructs it into a web page. Any packet loss is generally a bad thing, and could adversely affect your connection.


Hi, Anyone know how to view the traffic detail for what the SRX210 is actually blocking or dropping? I configured a security flow to show all dropped packets and the resulting log is fairly useless. Jun 5 21:06:54 21:06:54.361668:CID-0:RT: packet dropped, packet dropped: for self but not int

As a percentage it doesn't seem high ( Unicast Tx : 2,069,990,077 ) but the folks that monitor the network traffic claim the dropped packets are way to high. Are there other reasons other than misconfiguration that the packet drop would be large ( e.g.